Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Dear Santa

Dear Santa,
         I know it's a bit early, but I've already started my Christmas shopping so I figured I could start my list.   I fully expect that as usual Steve and I will forgo buying each other gifts this year in order to buy stuff for all our loved ones.  I know I have big items on my list, but hey, a girl can dream, right?
          First of all I'd like some new teeth.  Not my two front ones.  Those are maybe the only ones that are salvageable.  2 pregnancies sucked all the calcium out of my teeth.  Most of them are broken and I'm missing quite a few.  My teeth were a small price to pay for my two lovely children, but I do miss steak.  Plus, they hurt a lot.
      Next I'd like some upgrades for my computer.  It's been on the fritz since we moved.   I could possibly fix it by reinstalling windows, but that's such a pain to do.  I had started upgrading it, but shit happens and I wasn't able to get the rest.  I have plenty of RAM, but I need Windows 7 for sure.  A new motherboard and CPU would also be nice.  I was thinking of a 6core.
       I've been seeing a lot of commercials lately for the Kindle Fire and the B&N Nook Color.  The Nook has a screen that reduces glare, longer battery life, and more storage capacity.  It's also $50 more, so I'm not picky.  I love to read and I'm kind of limited on space for books right now so either one would be nice.
      Please can I have a Nintendo 3DS?  I was supposed to get one when they released, but I loaned a family member in dire straits $500.  Obviously I haven't seen that money back so I still don't have one.  I'd really like to have Kid Icarus and Street Fighter for said 3DS.  I honestly don't even know what other titles are available since I've been too bummed about not having one to look.
       I've been wanting to get the frog I designed tattooed on my wrist for about 2 years now.  If you could manage that it just permanently appears on my wrist without me having to go through the whole needles thing, that would be great.  A gift certificate to the tattoo parlor would suffice though.
       You know, I think the giant dragon from squishable.com would be a great addition to my dragon collection.  I've lost a couple of my more delicate dragons thx to the kids.  I think this one would be safe however.
       While you're at it Santa could you bring me Alexander Skarsgard and a 24 hour pass from my marriage?  Ah nevermind.  He probably wouldn't be interested anyways.
      Come to think of it Santa, Tana needs a new bowling ball, and the girls would like to have their birthday (in January)  at the bowling alley.  I don't know how much we'll have to spend this year.  Can we just scratch all that previous stuff?   Santa could I just have a little more money so I can show my girls and family how much we appreciate their love and support all year long?   I know that doesn't have to be with gifts, but it's so nice to be able to get someone something they'll enjoy.  The past year has been kinda rough on all of us and I'd like to make this year really special for everyone.   Thx Santa, I know you'll come through.

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